Amazing Game

Project 1: Cave Rescue Mission

Uses: Luau, Roblox

An exploration game where you explore a labyrinth of mysterious caves and mines. It was made by me and my friend "Vix". I find this game very interesting, and sometimes just exploring those caves at 3 am is beautiful.

Link to the game

Cool App


One of my biggest games on Roblox, it definitely failed because it was poorly made and used a lot of free models. It was my first big project.

Link to the game

Web Tool

Project 3: "Kulko Klikacz"

There is no way to download it for now. You can watch it here:

Watch on YouTube

This is a recreation of "Kulko Klikacz" from the core curriculum in primary school. The original version is most often made in Scratch, but I made my version in Python. The version contains many improvements, is faster than the original, and is more playable.

Game includes:

  • Tutorial
  • Instructions (yes, there are both tutorial and instructions)
  • Partially working language change to English
  • Music on/off switch
  • Sound effects
  • Result tables (results are saved using a .json file)
  • Create your own mode (customize the game: set time, number of points to win, ball color, background color)

Game instructions: Your goal is to click on the appearing circle to get as many points as possible. You can earn a point bonus for catching a special prize (5 to 10 points).

Game rules: Click on circles to score 1 point. Click on the special reward to earn 5 or more points. The game lasts a specific time, and you must score as many points as possible before time runs out. (Default points to win: 60).

Game size: 530 lines of code.

Game download: Not yet available, but it will be released someday.

Cool App

Project 4: 118v80

My private server for friends. It was operating for entire 4 years, it has complex history. Total players: 6

Project STAIRS

This project is a very big joke that I made to irritate someone....